You got doll pictures and Popin' Cookin reviews!

 If you don't know what Popin' Cookin is, it's a candy kit line by a Japanese company called Kracie. Essentially, you can make mini edible candy foods out of powder and water. What kind of foods? Mini sweets like ice cream, crepes, donuts, and waffles. But also candy gummy sushi, burgers, pizza, ramen, and more. Most of the savory food tasted like a "gummy" version of the food it was supposed to be, so it's not like you would get gross fish-flavored gummy sushi. Kracie's website is here.

 They are made for children, but Popin' Cooking kits are very nostaligic to me. Like weeb favorite Pocky and Japanese Kitkats, these kits exploded in popularity in the US as a novelty experience. You could find them in shops with Japanese goods or in the international section of a grocery store. Eventually Kracie made US versions of some kits, so they could sell directly to the US without having third parties import the kits overseas. All of the kits I have with me today are US versions. They are mostly the same as the Japanese versions, but there's some differences like the kind of items that come with the kit. Truth be told, there are currently a LOT more kits in Japan that are cooler than what's available here. I should pick some up next time I go to Japan haha. There's also some kits that seem sadly discontinued like the curry kit and cake kit.

A HUGE influence on me was RRCherryPie on YouTube. I watched those videos for YEARS along with other miniature and toy playing channels on YouTube. Please check it out if you haven't seen them already. RRCherryPie's videos on mini kits and foods are some of the best ASMR on the internet. Nothing weirdly sexual or with annoying music in the background or people eating food in a gross way. Just someone making cute erasers shaped like ice cream. You get the picture.

 ANYWAYS, here's three Popin' cooking kits I made as photo props for my doll, Cammy. Everyone say hi to Cammy! Just kidding lol. I'm actually surprised that people don't use this as props more often. Yes, they are perishable, but they also only cost like 5 bucks if you buy the US kits. Also they're fun for an afternoon and great for pictures. Since Popin' Cookin kits are *actually* food (kind of), they also look realistic. Eh, I completely understand though with you wanna give your doll a permanent snack. Alright, let's go!!

Here's my Flickr. Also check me out on DoA and DD~!

 By the way, check out some stuff in my "mini library" I have~! This is a little preview of my room tour. The shelf I have in the waffle and ramen picture is based on the pastel wooden-block bookshelf from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Not perfect though hahaha, the green and purple shelves are swapped around. But do you guys like any of the manga or books I have? :D


 The chocolate and vanilla custard "dough" tastes extremely artifical like everything else in these sets. But the custard dough has a very strong fake buttercream flavor that's unusual in American candy. The watermelon frosting tastes a little tart as well. I think the green frosting stood out among the all of the other decorative components. I like the semi-solid texture of the fake fruit and berries. Not bad at all taste-wise and better than the Donuts!


 The gyoza and eggroll filling is a fizzy candy that melts in your mouth. So when you combine that with the ramune-flavored dough, you get a fun surprise mouthful of fizziness! I like the realism of egg + naruto and noodle broth. AND the mango pudding! This is my favorite kit overall for the uniqueness and number of components included. The "broth" is cola flavored!


 Cute visually with the same flavored dough as the waffles. The frosting is strawberry and vanilla this time. Although turbo fake, they really tried to make it taste like actually frosting and like real fruit. Nothing just vaguely sweet. I didn't understand why a few people reviewing the product said it tasted bad, until I tried the chocolate pen. Yuck, it's like cocoa powder mixed with water. Don't eat it, trust me lol. But this kit succeds as being a prop! Look how ~aesthetic~ these pictures are!

 Overall, I prefer kits that focus on lots of items and savory foods over the "sweet" Popin' Cooking kits. Now I want the actual kits from Japan. Did you guys know the "cheese" powder in the pizza kit actually melts?! I'm dying to give Cammy a good burger or takoyaki experience. But there's also the Japan-exclusive bread shop and dessert party kits which would look lovely with a doll. I'll see if I can get my hands on some without spending tons of money on a candy kit for kids... Thanks for reading!