Art supplies I use

 Because NOBODY asked and I was bored!! Keep in mind that I am an 20+ years old and built up material over time! I mostly do traditional art!
Daniel Smith Watercolors
These are extremely expensive but nice if you can afford them. The "good" news is that the colors are high quality and last forever since you don't need a lot to get very bright colors. Just get the "Introductory Watercolor" set with 2 pairs of warm and cool shades for every primary color. All you really "need" besides that is "Neutral Tint" to tone down your colors and produce dark values. I also recommend "Moonglow" and "Undersea Green" for beautiful shadows. Moonglow especially. Moonglow has a beautiful blue pigment that settles down which is hard to see in swatches. It's amazing. Please get Moonglow.
I love Copics and think the color you get is stunning on appropriate marker paper. There's nothing like a new juicy Copic. If you know, you know. The problem is though that I have a billion Copic shades that I've collected over years and now I feel like I have to replace my favorites with ink a lot... Moving to watercolor for now is having a smaller collection of paint tubes is more manageable. I've had my collection for like a decade now though... Bronze and Light Prawn are my babies.
Appropriate Watercolor and Marker Paper
You need correct paper (not printer paper!) or else your work will look bad!
I love using black and hate "wasting" ink or paint. I eat through Sharpies.
A Generic Set of Watercolor Brushes
Please get a set with wide brushes for "washes"!
A Scanner
I don't own a scanner, but I use a public one to scan in art! Yes really. Everytime. X_X I notice a huge difference in quality from scans.
Prismacolor Pencils
I have a set of 24 from high school. They are fun but it takes FOREVER to get color payoff. I don't mean the quality is bad. I mean like, the time it takes to scribble in color over an area. I want to get an uber-fancy white from Caran d'Ache. I like using pencils for ~finishing touches~
(White) Gouche
Please get and use this if you do watercolor! It makes highlights a lot better. Except that the white pigments will always make the color look cool / bluish.
(Black) Pigma Micron Pens
They are cheap and waterproof for markers and watercolor.
Copic Gasenfude Brush Pen
Why Copic brand? Waterproof! I also have a Copic multiliner pen that come with a set.
Cheap Manga / Sumi Ink and a Fountain pen
Waterproof. I like the look of ink, but I'm so messy and I always end up spilling some in unintended places... I mean, it's totally intentional! Random ink drops are just my ~style~, DUH?
Stuart Semple BLACK 2.0 and Powdered Paint Set for Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue
These are really old, but they work well and I love them. The black paint is BLACK. Like really black. I use it to shade Sharpie sometimes. The paint powders are very fun and colorful. I mix the powders into watercolor for intense saturation.
Random very old and very cheap acrylic paint that was donated to me
I don't like acrylic that much, but it's good for fixing mistakes.
2B Pencil with Good Eraser
IDK if 2B is good for sketching but it's what I have. I'm using a Matomaru-kun eraser. It's good!
Printer paper for sketching before I trace onto actual good paper
"Art Tape" or Washi Tape
VERY useful for tracing! You tape the sketch page to the back of the good paper. Also to protect areas of the paper from paint. Be careful peeling it off!
Masking Fluid
You don't need this but I recommend it. DO NOT peel it recklessly! DO NOT let the fluid sit on the paper for too long. Lift with an eraser. Carefully. You will rip the page otherwise.
A Desk Lamp
Cannot see without it! For tracing too.
One of those green craft table placemats with a grid and ruler.
Please get this! It's soooo nice.
Perspective. Straight lines. Blocking off sections of the canvas.
Pencil sharpener
You need it!