Some very random things I don't like... because why not?!
Sorry Smile girls. I dislike designs with overly-clashy one-note colors. Cure Peace (the yellow one) is the best example. She's just a yellow blob with nothing to break up the yellow.
This trope or whatever is everywhere in kids shit. Usually this character will end up with a beautiful competent woman who was sick of him at first.
One of my least favorite types of humor. This makes media age like milk. I like Gintama, but the amount of references makes it a tough watch at certain points.
Self-induced psychic damage.
Nobody in the entire world likes this! Stop it please, book publishers! This makes book covers ugly and age terribly (a theme that comes up over and over again here). Why would I want an AD on a book I paid for?
This includes anime too. I feel weirdly anal about making my anime art look 3D or how a figure would look... or at least try to. Side mouths made Ken Penders art look especially hideous. After googling for an example, at least it seems like my opinion is not unpopular. I have been seeing side mouths less and less in recent anime.
Please stop putting ukelele music in YouTube videos. Anything else or silence would be better. I keep having to mute craft DIY videos because the music above makes my ears bleed.
Sometimes I really wish I was European. My school forced everyone to attend these dreadful pep rallies with the teachers blocking the doors. We literally had screaming contests. Was this supposed to make me like high school?!
This is one way for your story to completely stop being interesting. I remember HATING Kung-Fu Panda 2 and the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland as a kid for this trope. You have told me the hero wins no matter what. WHY would I watch to watch a show after that? It just seems unfair. I don't even like seeing self-aware or lamp-shaded "chosen one" tropes.
See above meme I made. An actual ~niche~ anime would be like a shitty OVA from the 80's nobody gives a fuck about.