I didn't know what else to call this but ~personal~ lol. Here is where I will put overall thoughts on characters, story, ships, and fanart I've made for the series!
I'm a 20-something American, so as a very little girl I watched lots and lots of Disney princess stuff. However, I quickly outgrew that and didn't really want to watch princess or girly stuff past toddler age. I was a tomboy! Kid me would actually avoid Disney Channel because I thought it was super lame compared to Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network lol. So the TD;LR is that I've watched most Disney stuff, but Disney itself doesn't give me a particular nostalgic attachment. The first Disney IP to appear in KH where I didn't watch the source material was actually Pirates of Carabbean! I'm very familiar with Square / Square Enix media though! It's fun seeing so many faces from past Final Fantasy games in KH lol