My favorite "easy meals" / "comfort foods" / "emergency foods"

 Here are some of my favorite "easy meals" / "comfort foods" (CF)... AKA foods that are low-ish effort for me to make, easy for me to eat, and stuff I can usually eat for a while. Also lots of food that is reasonably healthy and will keep me satiated for a while.

Rice... generally as a filler

 I have a rice cooker, and rice is my carb of choice. You can choose white rice if that's easier on your stomach and for taste. Or brown rice for a lower GI option. I also sometimes like to add coconut milk for easy and tasty extra calories.

Rice + a can of refried beans

 This is my current "easy meal". I've been focused on it for a couple months now. I love refried beans... and beans in general. They hold me over for a while. I like to make some rice. Then I open and heat up a can of refried beans. You can add cheese as well.

Rice + Meat (chicken or ground beef / turkey) + Veg

 THE food formula (I'll talk about "food formulas" later). You have to add the veg and cook the meat, but you can make a huge batch with this formula for days.

Rice + Lentils

 Buy a big bag of red ones. Make a stew with broth (optional), coconut milk (optional), onion (kinda optional), peppers (optional), and garlic (kinda optional)... okay, all you REALLY need are the lentils and water. Eat with rice. Dilute more to make a soup. Make sure they don't hurt your tummy. I ate this regularly for a while until I got sick of it.

Rice + Meat + Salsa + Beans + Extra (aka tacos)

 You can add the tortillas, but I like making bowls. More food that way buttttt I also love cripsy shells. I love avocados, salsa, fresh stuff... so many food toppings. Also amazing to get while out.

Sardines + Bread

 Sardines are very cheap. You just open them, and there's no prep. Put them on bread and eat. Easy protein + filling.


 It's yummy. You can eat it straight out of the container with a spoon and no prep. Made of chickpeas, so it doesn't burn through you fast.

Avocado toast

 It's expensive and avocados go bad so easily... but I love this for a nice breakfast. Avocados in general are some of my favorite foods. So rich and fatty.


 You can eat them for easy protein. Cook on the stove with oil. Can add onions / peppers / tomatoes. Can eat with rice.


 So yummy with meat or savory by itself.

Greek Yogurt

 No preparation besides taking it out of the container.


 Fatty, filling, no preparation. GOD I love this certain goat chese so much...

Blueberries / Raspberries

 These are my favorite fruits! So good. I also like raspberries + almond / peanut butter... You can buy frozen fruits for much cheaper


 Not something I ever make at home, but so comforting to eat out.

Advice for Food as an Adult

Food Formulas




