Why exercise?


My strength training routine

 This is the strength training routine I use when I go to the gym! It's a pretty basic one you can find online. I go Monday, Wednesday, Friday (not perfect tho). I focus the most on my squatting weight and try to keep a good form.

 Since starting to work out, I've felt a lot less anxious overall and appreciate my body a lot more. I'm grateful for all of the things it can do. I want to encourage other people (especially women) to consider working out if they have the resources!

 A Days

  • (Barbell) Squats 5x5
  • OHP 5x5
  • Barbell Rows 5x5

  B Days

  • (Barbell) Squats 5x5
  • Bench Press 5x5
  • Deadlift x5

 If you don't have access to a gym, consider doing bodyweight exercises! Bodyweight squats and pushups and the like.

Cardio I like to do

Hiking is my favorite form of cardio. I'm not some super hiker by any means, but I like to walk in nature on weekends when I get the chance with my loved ones. I love catching up with them while appreciating the wind and the trees. I also love walking around downtown areas, parks, wherever. Hiking up steep trails can be very challenging though!

Biking is super fun, but I don't have a bike ^^; Renting a bike on vacations is super fun but also really expensive! The stationary bikes at the gym aren't as fun.

Swimming is great. The water outside in natural areas can be dirty though and you have to worry about sunscreen. There's an indoor pool at my new gym; maybe I should try it out?

Running or walking on treadmills is nice for offdays. Some people read or use their phone, but it's too distracting for me @~@;;