Hello and welcome to the wellness section of my site! Some context here about why I'm making this page: I grew up very skinny because I was a picky eater. As a young adult, I worked hard on getting to a healthy weight as well as cooking for myself. I want to share and bookmark all of the tips and tricks I've learned so far.

 Since I struggled with eating enough, a lot of my food-related content will focus on filling, cheap, healthy meals that are easy to make at home. It's important to me that food is low-effort, tasty, and not something I get sick of easily. More on food-stuff with my diet section.

 Food isn't the only thing I want to focus on. I want to share advice and resources on mental-health topics as well as exercise-related stuff. And general advice. Essentially everything "self-help".

 I think it's important to have a strong internal locus of control, but I recognize that our modern environment (especially in countries like America) encourages an unhealthy lifestyle. People collectively take the path of least resistance, and you have to put out an active effort to be healthy nowadays. There's a very large obvious class component as well. Let's do what we can do to better ourselves and our local communities (what we can control) while still acknowledging how our culture is flawed (what we can't control individually).

 This theme was made by Repth. I butchered it added a iframe to toggle between the pages. I'm still new and shit at html; please let me know if there's any way to improve this! Currently Totoro-themed, but I'm considering making it Slowpoke-themed instead. Why? Why not!