2025 New Year's Resolutions and Goals!!!

 It's pretty late at the time of writing this (1/10/25), but I want to write down some major and minor goals for this year! I hope these goals are achievable at least?!


Complete a major life milestone
 I can't say what it is, but I'm excited to complete a major personal milestone (finally!) this year.
Actually make a decision and work towards something career / professional-related
 Again, can't be specific. But it's being active when it comes to something in my professional life.
Study for the JLPT N1
 Even if I don't end up taking it, I want to study active and often. To keep my goals specific instead of vague, I'll at least burn through an entire N1 (and ideally a below review) flashcard deck.
Procrastinate less
 My worst enemy. Do tasks on time. Read book club books in advance. Don't run away from problems.
Be more social
 Respond to emails more on time, reach out to people both online and offline. My life has been busy lately, and I want to be more active in the small net community. It's hard for me to reply sometimes, but genuinely, thank all of you.
Read more (Japanese and English)
 I'm in a book club, so I'm "forced" to read books at least ~once a month anyways. I need more Japanese reading practice... Hmmm... Let's say a very doable bare-minimum of 5 LNs in Japanese this year?
 Be more neat and organized... maybe do a Sunday ritual "refresh"?
Improve my Art
 Start drawing backgrounds. Draw props more often. Study fundies. Draw multiple characters. Just draw more even if I don't stick to DAD.
Make a Doujin
 It's an ambious task for me, but I've wanted to do this for a while.
Get more involved in the doll community
 More dollfoto. Work on sewing even if it's handsewing. Maybe take some pictures at least once a month and post on Flickr?